California Hit and Run Accidents Under Nationwide Insurance
Dealing with a hit and run accident is not easy. You will not have the opposing insurance
company or party to blame and hold liable for your injuries, and the aftermath of the incident
may be extremely shocking and take a heavy toll on you. It is important that you stay calm and
collected afterwards and evaluate your options, specifically if you will have to go through your
own insurance options to receive compensation. If you have Nationwide Auto Insurance, you
could be covered for the accident, assuming your policy allows it.
Pursuing medical coverage and other reimbursement after a hit and run accident is a tall order, and one that should be left to skilled hit and run lawyers in Los Angeles. Our team of skillful attorneys at the Uber Sexual Assault Victim Lawyer will be able to secure you a fair settlement for your damages.
Table of Contents
Why Do Hit and Run Accidents Happen?
Why Do Drivers Flee Hit and Run Accidents?
Nationwide Insurance Coverage for Hit and Run Accidents
What is the 15/30/5 Insurance Policy?
How to Sue Nationwide Insurance for a Hit and Run Claim
Why Do Hit and Run Accidents Happen?
Hit and run accidents are not uncommon, but they generally happen under specific conditions.
You are not likely to see a hit and run accident if you are on a crowded street or highway – there
are too many witnesses who can identify the vehicle and the driver, and he will likely know that
escape is impossible. However, if there is next to no one out on the street and no other drivers
around, he is more likely to flee the scene.
Many hit and run accidents involve parked cars with no people in them; the drivers simply flee so they do not have to leave a note. Other hit and run accidents can involve pedestrians and those on bicycles. If you were driving along when someone in another vehicle hit you, there are various reasons that they could have fled the scene. Or one, they may have been driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Many people who are breaking the law while driving or who are impaired do not want to face criminal charges or any hits or points on their licenses, so they run away. This is extremely dangerous, of course, but it also means that the victim has no way of getting compensation from the individual.
Why Do Drivers Flee Hit and Run Accidents?
Being caught can result in fines and a suspended license. Similarly, the driver may have been speeding or had run a red light. He may not be carrying insurance, either, which would mean that he would need to pay for all the expenses and debts out of his own pocket. This is not financially feasible for some people, and they may flee. Drivers may suddenly panic or may not have ever been in an accident before. Young drivers are likely to have these moments of uncertainty and may decide it is best to simply leave. Of course, any time a driver leaves the scene of the accident, it is a crime. It is also very dangerous to the victim. If you were in a hit and run accident, you could have suffered numerous injuries. Some of the damages include:
- Broken bones
- Fractures
- Sprains
- Burns
- Facial injuries
- Neck and spinal cord injuries
- Herniated and slipped discs
- Degloving
- Severed digits and limbs
- Torn muscles
- Nerve damage
- Paraplegia and quadriplegia
- Coma
- Death
- Hip and knee injuries
- Dislocations
- Internal bleeding
- Internal organ damage
- Puncture wounds
- Lacerations
- Crushing injuries
Nationwide Insurance Coverage for Hit and Run Accidents
There are numerous ways that you can be protected in the event of a hit and run accident.
Nationwide can provide you with a few different policies and additions that will let you recover
various forms of compensation. You may wish to simply get comprehensive collision and
personal injury protection, which allows you to get coverage for the damage to your car and any
physical injuries you suffer. The issue with both is that you may have certain limits and there
may be problems enacting them.
Alternatively, if you have health insurance, you may not want a personal injury plan from your car insurance company. If you do not get any, your health insurance will take care of the damages. However, there may be a yearly limit on what you can be covered for, and the company may also have deliberate regulations on how to use the insurance. What you can select instead is uninsured motorist coverage. It is not required to purchase this insurance in California, but it is required in other states. As many as 1 in 8 drivers are said to drive without insurance, so if you are involved in an accident with any of them or with a hit and run case – you will not be lost when it comes to restitution. The uninsured motorist coverage must match your other policy.
What is the 15/30/5 Insurance Policy in California?
Basic automobile insurance is required in all locations, but California’s minimum amounts may different from other areas’. California requires driver to have coverage of $15,000 for bodily injury, $30,000 for bodily injury to numerous people, and $5,000 for property damage.

How to Sue Nationwide Insurance for a Hit and Run Claim
It may be necessary for you to take legal action to get your settlement. This requires you to get
various pieces of proof and evidence, some of which may be hard to acquire. It is extremely
important that the first step you take is to get medical treatment. You should not place your
health anywhere other than first on the list of priorities. You will benefit from getting treatment
quickly; if you delay too long, there is a chance that your injuries will worsen. There is also the
chance that the insurance agent will doubt how valid your injuries were and will question why
you took so long to get any work done.
It is recommended that you get copies of everything from the hospital, including prescriptions, X-ray results, MRI results, medical receipts, doctor’s notes, and more. You will need photos of the damages you suffered. You can take pictures of your injuries, the damage done to your vehicle, the site where the hit and run took place, and more.
You may also be able to get video footage – if the footage shows or can identify the vehicle, that
is beneficial, but it may not. Such videos may be found from gated communities or parking lots,
businesses, dashboard cameras, and more. You could add the statements and testimonies of
eyewitnesses to your claim. They can attest that you were in a hit and run accident. The more
people you have supporting you, the more likely it is that Nationwide will believe your claim.
You should also call the police to file a police report. They can put out a search for the vehicle,
but they can also take notes on the incident. This can be added to your claim for more official
statements. It is recommended that you seek out a lawyer with experience in hit and run accident claims. We will be able to sue Nationwide and ensure that you are fairly compensated. You may not have any legal experience, which can harm your case. We will hire expert witnesses and see to it that you are treated with respect. You should not be expected to cover the damages to your car or body if you were a victim of a hit and run incident.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Nationwide Car Insurance Cover My Medical Bills if I Was Involved in a Hit and Run Accident?
Your Nationwide car insurance will cover your medical bills if you were in a hit and run
accident, but only if you have a specific policy. Personal injury protection or uninsured motorist
bodily injury coverage must be acquired. If you have neither, Nationwide will not reimburse you
or cover any debts. The hard part is convincing Nationwide to give you a settlement. The
insurance agent will claim that you were hit by someone, so he should be liable, even if you
explain that it was a hit and run. You will need sufficient evidence to get a settlement from the
Who Covers the Cost of Car Repair in a Hit and Run Accident?
If you’re involved in a car accident with a fleeing driver, it is important to contact your insurance provider to view their coverage options. Oftentimes, insurance providers prefer to work with designated mechanics or auto-shops. Oftentimes, you must use their designated mechanic or auto-repair service to get an estimate of the damage to your vehicle before they financially cover your claim.
Get Help from a California Hit and Run Accident Lawyer
Our team at the Uber Sexual Assault Victim Lawyer is widely recognized as one of the most successful law firms in Los Angeles. We have years of experience under our belt and our raving reviews speak for themselves. We have secured hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for our clients, including those who were involved in hit and run accidents. We know the best methods for success and our aggressive attorneys are willing to fight around the clock, whether in court or in an office, to secure you restitution.
Call us today at (855) 340-1221 for a free legal consultation to discuss your claim. You can ask us anything you wish and we will help you understand the legal process. If you want us to represent you for your case, we will also give you our zero fee guarantee. This means that you will not have to pay a dime for our services – we will get paid only if we win, and the money will come from Nationwide’s insurance settlement. We receive nothing if we lose. Talk with our expert hit-and-run lawyers at the Uber sexual assault victim lawyer if you need to sue Nationwide to pursue medical compensation after a hit-and-run accident.