Uber Sexual Assault Victim Lawyer
Victim Lawyer
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With extensive high skill

Lyft & Uber Injury Firm
California’s Top Sexual Assault Injury Lawyer
Free Case Review. Don’t Pay Unless We Win. Over 500 million In Settlements.
We have filed against rideshare companies for many years and know the ins and outs to maximize your Settlement. We Have offices located all over California.
No one wakes up expecting to be assaulted while going about his or her day, especially not while using a visible and commonplace service such as Uber. In just a few short years, Uber has posed a legitimate threat to taxicab companies across the world, but its cheapness and accessibility have not allowed it to be free from criticism and incidents.
There have been numerous cases reported wherein Uber drivers sexually assault or rape their passengers. These reprehensible acts should be punished by law, but some people may opt to take the case to a civil claims court and deal with the consequences there.
Our top-rated law firm consists of an empathetic team of qualified attorneys with experience in sexual assault cases that always places our clients first, and our goal is to preserve their health, well-being, and peace of mind. If we can do that by helping them recover damages stemming from sexual assault while riding in an Uber vehicle, we will do so with great vigor and readiness.
#1 Rated Trial Injury Law Firm in California
Nina Sargsyan, Esq.
AttorneyHe also said the government has failed to revamp the share market
Nina Sargsyan focuses her practice in the areas of premise liability, governmental liability, wrongful death, and complex personal injury litigation. Ms. Sargsyan has successfully represented a wide array of issues and participated in all aspects of pre-litigation and litigation matters. Ms. Sargsyan has been practicing for several years and has helped clients recover millions.
Salar Hendizadeh, Esq.
Senior Trial AttorneyFarid Yaghoubtil, Esq
Senior Trial AttorneyDaniel Azizi, Esq.
Senior Trial AttorneyIgor Fradkin, Esq.
AttorneyJohn Rofael, Esq.
AttorneyNina Sargsyan, Esq.
AttorneyAnthony Werbin, Esq.
AttorneyNeed Legal Help
Our attorneys have settled millions of dollars in various types of rideshare cases, including Uber drivers,
Uber passengers, and other motorists struck by Uber vehicles. Below is a list of some of our more recent
settlements on behalf of our clients.
Top Settlements
Our clients, however, may not know how to start the process; they may feel frightened or confused, and they have questions they need to be answered before they can proceed. Examples of these questions they ask our experienced lawyers include:
- Can I sue Uber for sexual assault?
- Can I sue Uber for a driver raping me?
- Can I sue Uber if another passenger assaulted me?
- Can I file a lawsuit against Uber for someone touching me inappropriately?
- I need to find an Uber assault and battery attorney. Who should I hire?
Assault And Battery Information
The law defines assault, or an intentional tort, as an action which was performed with the express intention of causing excessive apprehension or physical harm and which did, in fact, cause the apprehension or harm it set out to do. People who file assault and battery claims are usually victims of specific harassments that ultimately culminated in some form of damage.
In the case of sexual harassment and rape, you are entitled to collecting benefits from a guilty party if you were assaulted by him. There is no niche in law that dictates that you can sue for sexual harassment, sexual molestation, sexual abuse, or rape itself, so you must file the claim under the personal injury guise and go from there. An accomplished lawyer experienced in sexual assault cases can help you move forward with the legal process.
There is a two-year statute of limitations on filing a personal injury claim; any later and the state may outright deny or ignore your claim. To make the most out of your time and ensure that you are not coming close to missing any deadlines, file your assault claim as soon as possible after having spoken to an expert attorney who has experience in sexual assault cases.
The Risk Of Taking Uber Vehicles
Using Uber poses a risk to every passenger who uses the service. It places strangers in close quarters, one-on-one situations wherein one person has total control over where the entire party is traveling. You do not have any access to information about your driver beyond his or her name, make of the vehicle, and license plate number.
You, therefore, do not have much to give to police if you are injured or assaulted, but must instead rely on Uber to provide additional necessary information. This is hopeful to a fault, as Uber will do what it can to protect its image and profits.
Uber is a business before it is anything else, and it has been on the receiving end of complaints of sexual assault by its drivers for some years now. It has tried to say that it does not actually have employees, but that all its drivers are independent contractors; that has since been changed.
The problem with Uber is the lack of attentiveness to potential drivers and the lax security measures taken during pre-employment screenings. Uber does not perform extensive background checks and rushes through the hiring process to get as many drivers on the road as possible – when you do this, it causes many dangerous people to slip through the cracks. The rising numbers of cases of sexual assault in Uber cars should be enough to make Uber reconsider its standards, but it has not yet happened.

The Claim Process
If you are sexually assaulted by an Uber driver, you have numerous options going forward. You can elect to involve the police and press charges against the driver, and you can file a civil claim. The two claims are independent of one another. If you file a civil claim against Uber for negligent hiring and the sexual assault that has been inflicted upon you, you could get money damages. If you choose to pursue the matter in the criminal courts, the driver would be prosecuted. You can choose to do one or both.
Of course, you do not make the sole decision that determines whether someone can be criminally charged. You may be able to file a civil claim and sue Uber for the sexual assault, and forget about the criminal aspect of it, but the state can still choose to charge the driver for his actions. These two cases can occur independently of one another.
A Personal Injury Claim Detailing Sexual Assault or Rape Will Allow You to Sue Both the Driver and Uber for Their Parts in Your Injuries. For the Driver, You Will Be Eligible to Collect:
- Economic damages, including coverage for medical costs, hospitalization fees, surgery, medication, ongoing treatment, and others.
- Non-economic damages, which includes pain and suffering, emotional distress, anxiety, fear, PTSD, and other mood and psychological conditions coming to fruition in the wake of the incident when they were not present beforehand.
- Punitive damages, which is a form of additional monetary compensation meant to further punish the defendant for his actions; these damages are difficult to obtain and are usually only awarded as compensation for egregious acts. Sexual assault and rape fulfill those standards, however, so you may very well be able to net punitive damages as well. Only an experienced attorney will be able to win them.
For Uber Itself, You Can Pursue Damages Based On:
- service. Uber has a responsibility to provide its customers with a safe environment, and by not performing extensive background checks and taking responsibility for the actions of its drivers, it is acting in a negligent manner.
- Many of the same damages above, although the goal here should be to get Uber to change its policies or at least be held more responsible for whom it hires.
A benefit to suing Uber in addition to the driver who sexually assaulted you is that you are more likely to collect a fair and sizeable settlement from a company as opposed to an individual. The driver who assaulted you may not have adequate insurance or too much to his name besides a car and some small assets; if your settlement is for an amount of $100,000, you may not ever see most of that money. On the other hand, filing a claim against Uber as well will allow you to collect your fair restitution, as the company is much more monetarily well-off than the drivers it employs. You may wonder if the Uber driver assaulted you, then is the company truly responsible for his actions, even if the company did perform an extensive background check and had a rigorous screen process in place? The answer is yes, Uber is liable for assault by its drivers, regardless of how stringent or lax the hiring process is on the company’s end. Call a skilled attorney with expertise in Uber injury lawsuits today for more information.

Uber Sexual Assault Victim Lawyer
When you file a personal injury claim in the form of an Uber assault lawsuit, you should seek the best representation you can. Fighting a company like Uber takes skill and dedication, and it is not a process that can be done alone.
Uber assault victim lawyer, one of the top firms in Los Angeles, knows that an assault can leave you hurt, embarrassed, scared, and uncertain. We do not want you to go through any more suffering than you already have, and we hope to successfully win your Uber assault and battery lawsuit so you can begin the healing process. It is not easy to move forward, and no amount of compensation can undo the mental anguish and violation of space and humanity that occurs from a sexual assault. For this reason, we want to bring you whatever kind of peace and justice we can, even if it is only punishing Uber and the responsible driver with monetary losses.
We Offer Free Consultation:
You will relate to an empathetic, caring attorney with experience handling Uber injury claims who will do everything in his power to make you feel safe and comfortable in discussing your case. This legal consultation is provided free of charge and is meant to be informative and transparent: we can discuss your case, what kind of settlement you are hoping to receive, and the legal process of filing an assault and battery lawsuit.
You may not be able to go to court and battle insurance agencies and the like for your compensation. We are proud to represent you and take on the burden of your case, so you do not have to add any further stress and worry to your life. It is hard enough without the added troubles of the legal system.

Free Case Review
Uber assault victim lawyer also abides by a zero fee guarantee on all cases we take on. As a client, you do not owe us any money for our services throughout the litigation process, from deliberation to resolution, until we win your case, and you are rewarded with a fair settlement. If we cannot win your case for you, we take the loss and do not request payment. We feel that our clients need restitution, and out of pocket expenses do more harm than good, as there is no guarantee that a case will be resolved favorably.
If you have been victimized while using a rideshare service and require an Uber assault and battery lawyer or rape lawyer, call Uber assault victim lawyer today, and we will proudly take on your case and represent you. Our lawyers are available around the clock.
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Instantly cordially far intention recommend estimable yet her his. Stimulated discretion impossible admiration in particular conviction up.
Anthony Werbin, Esq.
AttorneyHe also said the government has failed to revamp the share market
Nina Sargsyan, Esq.
AttorneyHe also said the government has failed to revamp the share market
John Rofael, Esq.
AttorneyHe also said the government has failed to revamp the share market
Igor Fradkin, Esq.
AttorneyHe also said the government has failed to revamp the share market
Daniel Azizi, Esq.
Senior Trial AttorneyHe also said the government has failed to revamp the share market
Farid Yaghoubtil, Esq
Senior Trial AttorneyHe also said the government has failed to revamp the share market